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The Bee Kind Project

Through the support of strong honey bee populations, we can significantly address their decline caused by habitat loss, pesticides, climate change and invasive predators.  Taking action to protect these vital pollinators is essential for a sustainable future in food security and biodiversity.


Serving honey bees


In May 2023, we installed our first honey bee colonies at a secluded spot in the extensive grounds of Maitreya Pure Land.


Our primary objective with this project is to provide a supportive environment for promoting a genetic line of honey bees resistant to some of the modern challenges that bees have to deal with. And of course, any harvestable honey in late summer is just a glorious bonus shared by the monastery.


By providing a protected and supportive environment for honey bees, we not only create a deeper appreciation for other sentient beings and the natural world around us, but we also contribute to local ecology in a positive and practical way.


The project is entirely dependent on contributions from donors, and as a result, you can become involved in an extremely important and fascinating project.


I feel that we should not only maintain gentle, peaceful relations with our fellow human beings but also that is very important to extend the same kind of attitude toward the natural environment



His Holiness XIV Dalai Lama


The importance of honey bees


  • Environmental Impact and Food Supply: Honey bees pollinate over 70% of flowering plants, including 30% of crops essential for human consumption. In this way, they play an essential role in the production of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and even spices. Their continued decline would severely affect the availability of key foods, leading to scarcity and higher prices.


  • Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health: By pollinating wildflowers, bees contribute to preserving and supporting natural habitats and biodiversity that provide food and shelter for a vast number of wildlife species. A decline in bee populations disrupts local ecological balance and leads to adverse effects on other species, while diverse plant life improves soil health and resilience to extreme weather.


  • Economic Impact: Bee pollination services are valued at billions annually, with significant economic implications for agriculture. For instance, in France, farmers could incur costs exceeding 2 billion euros annually if they had to manually pollinate crops due to the continued decline in bee populations.


Supporting honey bees is crucial not only for ecological health but also for sustaining agricultural economies and ensuring food availability for future generations.



From an egg laid by a queen bee to emergence as an adult to work for the benefit of the colony


Their remarkable cooperative behavior that's been harvested by humans for around 15,000 years


Our wildflower meadow to support local pollinators during the summer months

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The history of the Buckfast variety of honey bees, and the ground breaking work of Brother Adam


How science is understanding the incredible communication and intelligence of bees


Our hand painted Dharma hives and how they provide a supportive environment

Reflecting on bees and humans’ interdependence with insects, Venerable Thubten Chonyi weaves together some interesting, thoughtful facts about bees, and how they have Buddha nature, too.

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Compassionate care for this life and all future lives

You can now be part of a project that has the precious opportunity to repay some of the kindness these beautiful beings have shown to us throughout limitless lifetimes.

You're also very welcome to contact Yonten on the priorities and motivation for Nalanda's Animal Care Project, and it's planned projects for the future.

May all beings be happy

A Where's-My-Dog Production for the Benefit of all Sentient Beings

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