It is only through the kind support of donors that our Animal Care Project has the ability to provide essential support to animals such as:
appropriate nutrition
professional consultation and treatment from our local vet
medication and nursery care here at the monastery
local habitat awareness and protection
rehoming or release back into the wild
In this way, the project has been able to contribute in definite ways to relieve the physical suffering of any animal that comes to the monastery for care, in addition to preventing their suffering in future lives through their spiritual care.
The creatures that inhabit this earth - be they human beings or animals - are here to contribute, each in its own particular way, to the beauty and prosperity of the world.
His Holiness XIV Dalai Lama
Our Inspiration
Project Lead
My name is Yonten, and I am a Buddhist monk at Nalanda Monastery in France.
With the support of my brothers here at Nalanda, we have had the opportunity to help rehabilitate, protect, rescue and rehome a wide range of animals that have somehow arrived at the Monastery since I took residence in 2004.
From finding food for a desperate skinny stray cat when I first arrived, it is now a small donor funded project that has a range of experience in caring for wild or domesticated animals, and an awareness of local contacts for assistance.
I'm very happy to now be able to share awareness of this project through this website, to share some of the challenges and joys of looking after animals in need, as well as to spread the word of how all these wonderfully kind, beautiful sentient beings can be helped in this life and all future lives.
I am extremely grateful for all the kind generous support of so many people, through donations, encouragement and advice, for the support of the monastery's senior monks, and the help of some of my brothers in practical ways.